Yessir, Friday I will be heading off to Western Illinois University, to begin my study into Radio Broadcasting. Seeing as I will have a lot more access to my computer now that I have a little more free time, expect a few flashes to come out from me within the following months (Including the 08 Memory Book).
But all in all, life is fast fellers. I know most of you are around 13-15, so I shall give you some words of wisdom: Appreciate every moment you have being the youths that you are. Explore the world around you, try new things, you only are a teenager once in your life, and my god, does it go by FAST. It seems like just yesterday I was walking into high school for the first time, and here I am now in the threshold of living on my own, dependent on my and only my decisions.
So seriously, enjoy your teenage years. I know I did :)
Thanks for the good times Newgrounds, with hopefully many more to come!
Spenser Prelletz (Prellz)
"You were born an original. Don't die a copy."
Just watch it buddy, don't make any promisses ;)
Take it from me, college is a fun place but after fun comes studying (trust me, I screwed up and it's supposed to be after fun comes studying), only then comes flash and other crap ;)
Have a good time mate
Fuck I'm drunk...